Get to know us
The business owner, Hennie Meyer, started from humble beginnings.
Initially Hennie started with tree felling, especially working on Blue Gum plantations to assist farmers in saving water. He realised the opportunity, and with a bakkie and log splitter began delivering logs for fire wood, as well as supplying wood to several pizza outlets in Cape Town.
Meyer says he has always had a passion for working with wood. After five or six years of growing the business, he became restless and, encouraged by requests for planks from his clients and a need to move on, he researched various way in which he could do things differently
This sparked Meyer to try his hand at the manufacturing of building related timber products.
He and his father designed and built a sawmill with a swivelling circular saw blade to produce planks and solid beams on a small scale.
As his reputation and client base grew, the demand for value adding products such as tongue and groove ceiling and floor planks, led him to invest in a range woodworking machines.
Since then the product range has grown and now includes his specialist exposed trusses, beams, rafters, columns, flooring, ceilings, and decking, all while giving back to the communities he works in.
The shade house at the award-winning Babylonstoren in the Cape Winelands was fabricated by Hennie Meyer and his team

A close up of the design and detail of the shadow house Cape Eco Trusses & Sawmills’ build at Babylonstoren.
Cape Eco Trusses and Sawmills’ clients are mainly architects and people wanting custom-designed and specialised solid wood or laminated beams and joinery.
The primary source of supply is invasive species like poplar, eucalyptus, and some pine, whilst exotic timber are imported directly through timber agents.
We offer an end-to-end service to our clients.
We commence with a consultative needs analysis and then proceed to determine optimal design options, providing costing and scheduling of the cutting-, curing-, treating-, assembly- and delivery processes. We have preferred installers to whom refer to our clients.